February 14th, 2005 at 07:24 pm
I got new undies for V-Day. DH got a tooth pulled. It was really hurting (he should have told me a few months ago and it could have gotten filled at that time :PPP)
Our power bill went waaaaay up due to plugging the car in.
I got taken out the other night by a friend for a pedicure. That was NIIIIICE. We are going to have her, her hubby and their kids in for supper sometime. We met at a parenting group. She's so nice. We sat up til midnight chatting (she stuck around because DD came home from Gram's and threw up ... all over Gram).
It's nice to have a friend again. Even if she's craaazy. J/k. She's really nice. and her oldest daughter and my dd are sooo much alike. I hope they get along. Hers is in school and didn't come to the group.
Trying to get DD to eat peanut butter. Dora eats in the book we have so I thought maybe she'd try it. No chance. I'll keep trying for a few days.
Anyway, I have to do some more housework and check on the bread.
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February 6th, 2005 at 01:14 am
Looking into playschool for DD for the fall. Anyone heard of Montessori? I looked it up online and it looked a little different. I don't think we'll go there. But almost everything else is across town. But I think we figured it out. Will have to drop her off, then come home for a while, then when it's time for DH to go to work he'll drop me off at the school. I'll hang out until DD's done and then we'll take the bus home. If we can't get a bunch of debt paid off and get our second car to this province by then.
The other thing is the cost. We aren't sure what the cost will be for playschool here.
I got interviewed for my local freecycle group. The reporter is using my picture and everything. EEK! Another local group contactedd him but then backed up. I really don't like the person running the group. She just rubs me the wrong way.
I'm trying to jump on this shine your sink from flylady. I hate the dishes strewn around the kitchen because everything else gets left out. And then when it's time to make supper it's just overwhelming and i don't feel like it. So I wrote to freecycle asking for rubbermaid bins and if I don't hear anything by mid-week I'm going to buy one. They aren't that much. I only need 5 gallons, that'll be lots.
I also need to re-write my menus. Next month maybe I"ll buy Saving DInner. I liked lots of the recipes, but DD won't eat anything and when it's just me and her I'm tired of cooking things she doens't eat.
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January 19th, 2005 at 04:59 pm
Day off today and DD is sick so I'm thinking of skipping my parenting group. I really don't want to, it's the second to last week. But she is really not good and needs rest and cuddles. She's with the babies so the ladies are busy with them most of the time.
DH did spend that money and then another $20. GRR. We agreed to a certain amount of spending money each month and he refuses to stick to it. We have the money I just wish he would stick to the budget. I don't want to get into another argument with him about this. I just want to strangle him until he gets it! LOL just kidding.
I have yet to eat some breakfast yet so I guess I should do that and get dressed.
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SO frustration
January 12th, 2005 at 12:58 am
Back up to 30 hours again. Someone got fired and another girl's father died so she's gone for an indetermined amount of time. I miss her, she is the best employee in the company. I hope she's okay.
Dh is cooking supper. We're drinking the coolers left from my dad's visit this weekend.
My dad brought a mates bed for our daughter. He also brought a 6-drawer dresser. Also a game for me and a blender for all of us and a toy for DD. Phew! Spoiled? Then he tried to give me money!! Too much money.
My course also came so I better get to work on that. I have from now until April 22 to finish it. There is a lot of work. All about writing service plans (goals) for people with disabilities. I have to call my aunt later to see if she'll answer some questions for my first paper. Her 4 year old has autism.
Going to drink some more. LOL
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January 6th, 2005 at 12:40 am
I finally get use the computer. DD is at my mom's for the night, DH has the night off she has tomorrow off. We get to watch a movie with swearing and killing. We get to eat in the living room and drink pop.
This stuff leaves me with only $10 in grocery money until Friday. But ... the days off coinciding happens once every 3 months. I started using cash for groceries. $60/week. Until I figure out if that's enough for us.
DD is nearly potty trained. As long as she doesn't wear anything she'll go without being asked. If she's wearing something she just pees and then tells me. It's a start.
Haven't been home yet this week so it's a good thing the super fling boogie is 2 weeks. I hope that's right.
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