Home > Dave Ramsey

Dave Ramsey

August 12th, 2004 at 03:19 am

I've been listening to Dave Ramsey's talk show archives and I just read his book "More than enough" which I have to get DH to read he'll just learn so much from it and it might turn some lightbulbs on in his head. He's not up for it tho ... damn it. GRR

I can't remember where I was going to say next. I'm really tired and I want to do Pilates before bed and DD just pulled a bunch of toys out of the toy box that I picked up 15 minutes ago. GOnna drink another bit of water and then make juice for DH 'cause he's bitchy if I drink it all. (He's not really a jerk I just make him out like one sometimes ... sorry I'll work on that ... I tend to rant here and most of my ranting ATM is about him. Prolly 'cause my mother has a new boyfriend and I hardly see her).

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